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Spotify songlish

Songlish aims to let users share music easily. Regarding the feature of our design, there are two features in Songlish. First, users can generate a sticker to share with people through any communication app like WhatsApp, when people click that sticker, music plays then. The music of the stickers could let users choose what trim they want to make, if they have any lyrics they want to share, they just have to cut the trim and send the stickers. Furthermore, Songlish also provides a service that lets users add song players on their Instagram profile page, then people can listen to music on their profile page. These two features not only let people use music as a language that allow them to communicate, but also give a brand new method to let people share music.

case video

UI interface



unbottle water

Efficiency, is what Hong Kong people always focus on, we do things quickly, no matter it is in our work life or daily life. Drinking water is the important thing in our daily life, and bottle waters are very convinient for Hong Kong people to settle their daily needs. But bottle waters are harmful for the environment, also, people always throw their plastic wate bottle when they have not finished it. So, we decide to promote “water ball” to Hong Kong people, allow them settle their daily needs and protect the environment. We used the feature of Hong Konger- Efficiency to promote it, and show the efficiency of eating water ball to audiences to let them know there are another methods to fix the problem of plastic bottle litter.

CAse video



Muji, a japanese retail brand, which is popular in Hong Kong. We discovered that something in Muji could be more considerable to solve some problem in Hon Kong, such as subdivided room etc... So we decided to improve those features in Muji through omni-channel, so Hong Konger could be easier to enjoy the confidence that Muji will bring.

case video

Customer journey map

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Content marketing

Pocky is a trendy brand in youngsters, every young people love to eat Pocky, to fit in the current market of youngsters, I decided to combine dating app and Pocky, allow the youngsters make more friends while they enjoying Pocky.

Presentation board

Online activity

offline activity

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